Interface GifskiCommandOptions

gifski command options.


  • GifskiCommandOptions


extra?: boolean

50% slower encoding, but 1% better quality.

fast?: boolean

50% faster encoding, but 10% worse quality and larger file size.

fps?: number

Frame rate of animation. This means the speed, as all frames are kept. [default: 20].

frames: string | string[]

Glob pattern or list of PNG image files.

height?: number

. Maximum height (stretches if the width is also set).

noSort?: boolean

Use files exactly in the order given, rather than sorted.

output: string

<a.gif>. Destination file to write to; "-" means stdout.

quality?: number

<1-100>. Lower quality may give smaller file [default: 90].

quiet?: boolean

Do not display anything on standard output/console

repeat?: number

Number of times the animation is repeated (-1 none, 0 forever or repetitions).

stdoutLines?: number

Maximum number of lines from gifski stdout/stderr to keep in memory (defaults to 100, use 0 for unlimited storage).

width?: number

. Maximum width. By default anims are limited to about 800x600.

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