Type alias VideoGifConverterOptions

VideoGifConverterOptions: { aspect?: string; convertTo: VideoGifConverterConvertType; deleteFrames?: boolean; duration?: string | number; format?: string; fps?: number; gifski?: boolean; loop?: number; output?: string; quality?: number; size?: string; startTime?: string | number; usePalette?: boolean; videoBitrate?: string; videoBitrateConstant?: boolean; videoCodec?: string }

video-gif-converter command options.

Type declaration

  • Optional aspect?: string

    Output frame aspect ratio (examples: 4:3, 16:9).

  • convertTo: VideoGifConverterConvertType

    Convert to gif or video.

  • Optional deleteFrames?: boolean

    Delete generated frames used by gifski.

  • Optional duration?: string | number

    Seeks an input and only start decoding at given time offset. The time argument may be a number (in seconds) or a timestamp string (with format [[hh:]mm:]ss[.xxx]).

  • Optional format?: string

    Output video format. Used and required only if convertTo is video.

  • Optional fps?: number

    Output framerate.

  • Optional gifski?: boolean

    Use gifski to generate GIF.

  • Optional loop?: number

    The number of times to loop the output. Use -1 for no loop, 0 for looping indefinitely (default).

  • Optional output?: string

    Output path.

  • Optional quality?: number

    GIF output quality used by gifski.

  • Optional size?: string

    Output frame size (examples: 640x480, 640x?, 50%).

  • Optional startTime?: string | number

    Forces ffmpeg to stop transcoding after a specific output duration. The time parameter may be a number (in seconds) or a timestamp string (with format [[hh:]mm:]ss[.xxx]).

  • Optional usePalette?: boolean

    Use ffmpeg palettegen and paletteuse filters to generate high quality GIF without gifski.

  • Optional videoBitrate?: string

    Sets the target video bitrate in kbps. The bitrate argument may be a number or a string with an optional k suffix.

  • Optional videoBitrateConstant?: boolean

    The constant argument specifies whether a constant bitrate should be enforced.

  • Optional videoCodec?: string

    Video codec (examples: mpeg4, libx264).

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